Feng Shui Book Recommendations

I've been asked many times to recommend beginner books on Feng Shui. I certainly hope this post will be very useful for those who have reached out to me as well as the many who can benefit from reading this post in the future. I believe the first time this subject came up on air is on LuAnn Nigara's A Well-Designed Business podcast episode on Feng Shui & Interior Design. If you have not listened to it yet, I would love for you to take a listen. Luann's interviews are always great and I was honored to be one of her guests.

I had a few people contact me letting me know how much they enjoyed the podcast episode and wondering if I could recommend books for Feng Shui beginners. Hope you find a book or two that sparks your Feng Shui interest even more. Please note that recommended books have affiliate links, which means that I will receive a small commission if you click the link at no cost to you.

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Here are some of my personal favorites. As silly as this sounds when I finally had a chance to see the Feng Shui for dummies book by David Kennedy I really thought it was great. There’s lots of information and it is definitely a great introduction to Feng Shui. Another book that I highly recommend is Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life by Karen Rauch Carter it is one of the most popular books and I often meet clients that have read her book and that’s what got them started with Feng Shui. One of my favorites but not really a book for beginners is on the topic of health in Feng Shui is Andie Santo Pietro's book titled Feng Shui and Health. It is a book filled with tons of great advice and solutions on helping to alleviate health concerns or health issues. Lillian Too's 198 Feng Shui Ways to Transform Your Life is a good start as well.


Here some of the recommendations from my lovely colleagues at The International Feng Shui Guild. I reached out to them to get more book recommendations for you all. What a great way to start a reading list. Thank you dear colleagues for sharing your favorites with me.  

Abha Thakore suggested Modern Book of Feng Shui by her teacher Steven Post

Karen Rauch Carter suggested Terah Katherine Collin's book The Western Guide to Feng Shui as she says another oldie but goodie! 

LuAnn Cibik recommended Feng Shui for the Soul by Denise Linn. Love the title of this book. 

Ann Bingley Gallops mentioned Feng Shui Made Easy by William Spear. I attended one of his seminars that Maureen Calamia had organized a few years back and it was a wonderful experience. 

Lisa McCue Janusz recommended Wind and Water: Your Personal Feng Shui Journey by Carole Hyder.

Beth Grace wrote that Joey Yap's Feng Shui for Homebuyers Interior and Exterior versions are also great beginner books, many great pictures and illustrations. I recently attended Joey Yap's seminar in NYC and became a fan within moments.

Katherine Metz recommended Interior Design with Feng Shui by Sarah Rossbach, along with her book Living Color - both with H. H. Lin Yun as co-author and I would have to agree. 

Maureen Calamia recently pubished a fantastic book Creating Luminous Spaces where she goes into detail about the Five Elements.

As always with everything it is best to visit a library or a bookstore and skim through the section on Feng Shui and look through as many books as you can to see which book speaks to you. There’s definitely a book out there for each and everyone of us.

On my reading list is a book by my colleague Anjie Cho that I have yet to read. Her book 108 Ways To Create Holistic Spaces looks beautiful and I look forward to reading it soon. 

Do you have a favorite Feng Shui book? Feel free to leave a recommendation or a comment. 

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