Make positive changes in your life by making practical changes in your home.
- We’ll have an initial complimentary 15-minute phone introduction.
- Once we agree to move forward, I’ll send you a personal invitation to the online studio, a contract is signed and payment is received in full.
- We’ll meet in person or via skype depending on your location and preference.
- I’ll ask for photos, floor plans or anything else that might be useful for the consultation.
- We’ll meet in your home, discuss your wish list and complete a thorough walk-through of the space.
- While touring the home, I’ll give on-the-spot advice and recommendations.
- Nine red envelopes will be given to honor the red envelope tradition.
- A full report is delivered via the online studio one week after the consultation, which will describe the list of recommendations discussed during the appointment plus additional recommendations and a transcendental cure if needed.
- Send additional questions up to 30 days after the appointment to discuss anything that wasn’t made clear.
- Start living the life you intend to live in your harmonious new living space.
Starting at $600, fees are variable based on square footage and number of people living there